ayurveda allergy treatmentEven the most die-hard natural health devotee can be tempted to buy pharmaceutical allergy medication when the symptoms get really bad.  Some just plow through the fatigue and congestion while constantly trying different herbal products to see if they'll help.  If you're suffering from allergies because you still haven't found an effective natural remedy, you're in luck.  Over the years I've put together an allergy treatment protocol that is easy to use and that really works.  I'm going to lay it out step by step so that you can start your allergy relief program right away.  Follow these steps and you'll be breathing and thinking clearly in no time.

The Yummiest Ayurvedic Medicine Around

Sitopaladi is an ancient Ayurvedic herbal formula that tastes like chai and eliminates congestion. Because it comes in a powdered form, you actually taste the herbs, which is fantastic because some of the herbs in Sitopaladi are cinnamon, cardamom, and Indian pepper.  According to Ayurveda, every taste yields an action, and the ingredients in Sitopaladi stimulate digestion to reduce congestion.  This is one of my patients' favorite formulas to take. You can take 1/2 tsp. directly on your tongue and wash it down with warm water three times a day. Or you can put the 1/2 tsp. in warm water and drink it.  You'll love it.

Reduce Sinus Inflammation With Ayurvedic Nasya Oil

ayurvedic allergy treatmentSinus inflammation is a major part of why people experience nasal congestion during the allergy season. The mucus membranes in the sinuses get so irritated and inflammed by the pollens and grasses that they can either secrete excess mucus or become too dry.  The Ayurvedic remedy for this irritation is the application of herbal oil to the sinuses.  Nasya oil (literally means "in the nose" in Sanskrit) comes in different varieties, but the kind I like contains eucalyptus, gotu kola, calamus root, and skullcap in a base of sesame and olive oils.  You can easily apply nasya oil twice a day by hanging your head over the edge of the bed and squeezing 3-5 drops into each nostril.  Then lie there for a minute while massaging your nose and cheeks in a motion towards your forehead.  This will allow the oil to drain up into the sinus cavity and lubricate the mucus membranes.  Nasya oil has the extra added benefit of relaxing neck tension and promoting mental clarity. People notice a huge difference in their sinus congestion with just nasya alone. Nasya is not recommended for pregnant women.

Systemic Enzymes For Allergies

One of my very favorite natural products of all time for allergies is a systemic enzyme formula called Vitalzym.  I like to think of systemic enzymes like little Pac-Mans that go around "munching" mucus, inflammation, fibrin, viruses and scar tissue in the body.  Not to be confused with digestive enzymes, systemic enzymes reduce inflammation by "munching" the protein chain created by the immune system that manifests as inflammation. While Vitalzym is most commonly used for pain as an anti-inflammatory, it's ability to cleanse the blood and reduce congestion is amazing.  I use it all the time for congestion due to allergies or colds because it works on both the irritation and the mucus. For allergies, take 2 capsules 3 times a day.  Vitalzym is contra-indicated for anyone currently taking anti-coagulants.

No More Ice Cream

ayurveda allergy treatmentNobody wants to hear this, but diet definitely does make a difference when you're suffering from allergies. Most people suffer from Kapha type (phlegm) of allergy symptoms - sinus congestion, sneezing, lung congestion, watery eyes, fatigue, lethargy, mental fogginess.  So it's important during allergy season, and even for several weeks prior, to start a Kapha reducing diet.  This means cutting out or drastically reducing dairy products, wheat, fried foods, and cold or iced drinks.  During this time you want to add warming spices like ginger, drying grains like rye and barley, and lots of fresh vegetables including leafy greens. 

The Sure-Fire Approach Means All 4 Steps

While each one of these steps might help a lot on their own, the 4 steps put together are my sure-fire approach.  You really don't need to stay inside all spring, or suffer for months, or take Claritin every day to breathe freely and feel normal.  Try this Ayurvedic treatment, boosted by the natural power of the systemic enzymes, to breeze through the allergy season and feel better than ever.