man feeling gratitudeIf you're one of those people who'd rather be happy than miserable, then this post is for you.  I'm going to share the absolute key to happiness. This is something that anyone can do, and it is always available to you no matter what is happening.  You definitely want to read this and watch the following video if you've ever had the feeling that you wished things were different.

The key to happiness is gratitude

Thousands of years ago, the Buddha taught that human beings suffer because we pursue pleasure and avoid pain. In other words, we are dissatisfied with what we've got and are always wanting things to be different. We are never happy with things as they are. Imagine being grateful for everything that is good in your life, rather than griping about what is wrong! Even when things seem really bad, I bet you can find at least 10 things you have to be extremely grateful for. Compare your situation to that of people less fortunate, and your mood instantly changes.

Watch This

This video started circulating recently, and I believe many people are having spiritual experiences while laughing at this. This comedian, Louis CK, is funny because what he's saying is profoundly true. Incredible miracles are happening before our very eyes, but we get frustrated at the most minor inconvenience!  Everything's amazing, but nobody's happy!

Experiment and share what happens

It takes practice to train our minds to focus on what we've got instead of on what we're missing. Try it today. Try to catch yourself when you start to feel dissatisfied with something. Switch to thinking about what's great in your life. Maybe you don't have a million dollars but you have a healthy family. Give gratitude a go, and please share your experiences in the comments below.